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Corporate Culture & Values

Build a culture of continuous improvement harnessing the diversity, creativity and energy of your People...

Corporate Culture & Values

You are an ambitious business owner, CEO, MD or senior executive. You understand when your People feel they are supported and that they belong, your firm can reap significant benefits, specifically:

  • From their capacity to thrive and excel, and their desire to effect continuous improvements across all aspects of their roles
  • The quality and effectiveness of their daily contributions to your organisation’s ambitions
  • Your firm’s improved processes and offerings
  • Better relationships, both internally across your business, and externally along your entire value chain, especially with your clients
  • Higher staff retention rates and an easier capacity to hire new Talent
  • The perception of society
  • Your bottom line !

These are the beneficial outcomes arising from a positive corporate culture, one which focuses on continuous improvements - you can review this concept in more detail in the Business & Board Advisory section.

The corollary of the above is an unhealthy corporate culture, which can lead to underperformance, or potentially far worse.

This is where we can help you. We understand which factors drive positive cultures in organisations, and importantly, how to remediate challenges when they occur. We share our insights below.

Corporate culture can be defined as the common set of behaviours, underlying mindsets, beliefs and other interactions which shape how your People work and interact in your organisation day to day.

Your corporate culture impacts not only your own People, but also your customers, suppliers, everyone else in your value chain, and the community at large.

So your culture matters. It correlates with your performance. A report by McKinsey & Co, 2018, using their measure of Organisation Health highlighted top quartile cultures outperform median cultures and bottom quartile cultures by 60% and 200%, respectively.

Positive culture is inherently difficult to replicate. Maintaining a culture which adapts itself is key to survival. It provides differentiation to organisations in periods of extensive change.

Our extensive research highlights positive corporate culture emanates from the successful alignment, integration, implementation and continual refinement of just five primary pillars, specifically:

  • Your organisation’s values & behaviours
  • The policies you implement to encourage them
  • The actions you take to enshrine them
  • The involvement and commitment of all your staff, from the CEO down
  • The monitoring of your efforts to maintain them

For most organisations these are reflected in:

  • Your publicly stated purpose & values
  • Your organisation’s governance, and the relationships between the constituent parts of your business
  • Any policies you have for promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
  • Your People’s well-being & resilience
  • The processes you have for objective setting, review and appraisal, and rewards
  • The attitudes and behaviours of your staff
  • Your policies for collecting feedback from all your stakeholders, including your employees and the community

But here’s the rub.

Too often, we see significant challenges and shortcomings across one or more of the above, undermining their effectiveness, leading to unhealthy corporate culture, all impacting your bottom line adversely.

So how do you mitigate these potential detrimental outcomes and secure only the positive cultural benefits all your stakeholders covet ?

Our solutions for Culture-Mapping can assess where in your firm unhealthy culture sits. They illuminate the issues and causes, opening routes to solve them. In turn, helping you realign your efforts to secure the organisational dynamics and culture you covet, and positively harness the diversity, the creativity and the energy of your People.

And because they are both collaborative and non-intrusive in their operation, their use promotes the same approach to positive corporate culture you want to encourage, one of continuous improvement.

Why not contact us to see how they might work for you.

We look forward to discussing them with you.